Definitions of clicker training, our horses and locations we train in

List of words and abbreviations we use

Lawn – this is our lawn, which is about 1 – 1 ½ acres big.

River reserve – we live next to a river reserve. We are lucky to be able to ride at the reserve, which is about 2-3 acres bit.

SCP – scary cow paddock – one of our neighbour’s paddocks that has young steers in it. It is a nice big flat paddock, but with the added distraction of young curious steers.

Clicker training terms

  • Don’t rob me – means that the horse needs to learn that they can’t help them self to treats or try and force me (kicking, pushing or biting, etc) to give them treats. To teach it, you simply do nothing when the horse is trying to get the treat, and as soon as the horse stops, C/T. some horses, like Speights, get very pushy and you might have to start with the horse on the other side of a fence. If you are in doubt, start with the horse on the other side of the fence. It doesn’t matter what action the horse does, as long as it stops pushing for treats. They can, for example, take a step back, move their head, stop mouthing etc. any behavior that is showing that they are taking attention away from the treat bag, C/T.

  • Hand targeting – I try to teach the horse to touch my hand with their nose. I start very simple with holding my hand out right infront of their nose. Most horses will sniff the hand out of curiosity, and then you C/T. if a horse is shy, you might have to face away from the horse when you do it. 

Horse terms

tölt or tolt = a ambling gait that Icelandic horses have. 


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